KHS ConnectApp Guide

Further reading
In the cloud(s)
The KHS ConnectApp portfolio is launched with an application that supports maintenance and servicing in the operation of filling lines.
Learn moreFocus on digitalization: efficiency and transparency in system maintenance
Line and machine maintenance is a time-consuming process that is frequently still documented by analog means. Faults are often dealt with separately without direct interfaces and valuable knowledge is mostly only stored in the minds of individual employees.
This is where KHS ConnectApp Guide comes in, increasing the efficiency of servicing processes through digital planning and tracking of maintenance work.
Our solution is based on three core functions:
- Improved availability of maintenance documents
- Support for communication between employees
- Creation of a cross-departmental store of knowledge.
At a glance: target groups and benefits
Shop floor personnel
- “What? When? How?” with direct notification and intuitive operator prompting
- Feedback on tasks performed
- Notification and documentation of incidents with images
Operational Management
- Digital summary of operation and maintenance
- Creation and scheduling of maintenance tasks
- Visibility of maintenance history and incidents
Our KHS ConnectApp Guide is the answer to the challenges of system maintenance. By enabling digital planning and tracking of maintenance work in all areas of the company, it significantly boosts efficiency. With our solution you can keep an eye on everything and maximize the performance of your lines and machines and all other maintenance-relevant operating resources – for the successful future of your company.

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